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News for Wildcats, by Wildcats.

The Paw Print

News for Wildcats, by Wildcats.

The Paw Print

News for Wildcats, by Wildcats.

The Paw Print

Owen Voorheis

Owen Voorheis, Contributing Writer

Owen Voorheis is a senior here at Normal West, and this is his first year of taking Journalism as well as being on The Paw Print. He is a Contributing Writer. He is taking Journalism because he would like to have his own podcast one day, so he wants to learn how to write and tell stories. His outside hobbies include basketball, working out, and volleyball (a more recently acquired hobby). His favorite sports teams are the Chicago Bulls and Bears and is a big fan of the Illinois College baseball team. Owen’s favorite genre of music is rap, and he sometimes listens to classical and rock music. The best late-night snack according to Owen is either ice cream or cereal, depending on his mood. He is so excited to be in journalism, and he hopes to have a great senior year!

All content by Owen Voorheis
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