Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.”
And by “everybody,” even a high school student can make an impact.
Senior Benedicte Diamonika is the perfect example of this.
on Jan. 11, Diamonika received the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award.
The award is given to a nominated resident of Normal, Illinois who demonstrates an avid commitment to improving respect among people with different backgrounds, identities, and communities.
The Town of Normal released the application process with a list of criteria of attributes they’re looking for in a candidate.
Social Studies Department chair and teacher, Dr. John Bierbaum wrote a letter of recommendation, demonstrating how Diamonika meets the character qualities that this award is looking to honor.
Diamonika is a part of many activities conducted at West, including the Black Student Union, French Club, Modern United Nations, Mock Trial, Cheerleading team, Track and Field team, Asian Heritage Club, Orchestra, choir, senior board, student council, Girls Who Code, math team, Podcats, book club, and Fellowship of Christian athletes.
Initially, Diamonika was nominated by Bierbaum, but Angie Codron, West’s principal, collaborated to show the impact Diamonika has had.
And making an impact in her school community is not something new to Diamonika.
In fact, Diamonika received a similar award, the Service of the School award, in 7th and 8th grade.
“Some of the work that people do goes unnoticed and so being recognized for that is pretty awesome, but that’s about it all my other awards have mainly been academic,” Diamonika stated.
Bierbaum has known Diamonika for the past couple of years as her teacher and Mock Trial coach. She is also the President of the Model United Nations, which Beirbaum sponsors.
“I would think of Dr. Bierbaum as a mentor because he’s been a big part of my career here at Normal West. (…) He’s pushed me to pursue leadership opportunities that I would have never imagined doing,” Diamonika noted of Bierbaum’s influence.
Diamonika thanks her family, Coach Kyrin, Coach Rolf, and her teachers for pushing her to improve herself.
“[Diamonika] is the embodiment of the integrity and steadfastness towards positive change, goodwill, and inclusive leadership that I think of when I reflect on the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr,” Bierbaum explained.
“I was chosen because of the hard work I put in, not just academically but overall with time management and finding time to go out and help with the community,” Diamonika stated.
Past winners of the MLK Jr award from West include Amay Hursey (2023), Jasmyn Jordan (2021), Xaver Higgins (2018), Kristina Smith (2015), Jacob Fulk (2001), Rachel Gordon (1999), and Assistant Principal, Dr. Brandon Caffey (2009).
“[I will] continue being involved in the community, but I will also try my best to be a role model to those that come after me and to encourage a lot of people that look up to me to continue to pursue helping the community,” Diamonika stated.
At the award ceremony, the Mayor of Bloomington, Mboka Mwilambwe, honored the award winner for the City of Bloomington.

“I thought that it was interesting the mayor of Bloomington, Mboka Mwilambwe, was there honoring the City of Bloomington award winner and made the connection that [Bloomington’s winner] and Benedicte are both from the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” Bierbaum stated.
On Wednesday, February 19 at the Unit Five Board meeting, Codron plans on honoring Diamonika.
“Benedicte embodies all parts of our Normal West Mission Statement (building relationships, engaging in learning, accomplishing goals, and developing citizenship) with all that she is involved in here at West. The special thing about her is that she does the things she does, not because anyone else is pushing her to do so, but because she expects it of herself,” Codron explains.
“We are fortunate to have so many outstanding students. Benedicte could be the standard bearer for all of us at the awards ceremony,” Bierbaum states.