Senior, Ethan Snyder and Sophomore, Julie Bach recently met up with Paw Print Contributing Writer, Makinzee Boyer to update us on Cross Country and how the season is progressing so far. See their conversation below:

Paw Print Writer: All right. So firstly, you say your name and how long have you been in cross country?
Snyder: Yep. My name is Ethan Snyder . I’m a senior. I’ve been running cross country for three years. So I ran my freshman year, took a break sophomore year and then ran junior year, senior year.
Paw Print Writer: So what would you say is the team’s biggest accomplishment so far this season?
Snyder: For us right now? I’d say that the biggest thing that we’ve done is probably I mean, we’ve just, we’re just now about to start our championship meets. So I haven’t done a lot of real big meats, but I’d say inner city. I understand our boys got third and then our girls. I’m pretty sure they either got second or they won, but we weren’t projected to do very well. But we still showed up when it mattered and we’re able to do our best given the conditions. But for what I can remember so far, yeah, that’s probably our biggest accomplishment.
Paw Print Writer: What are your goals for the rest of this season?
Snyder: The goal is always every year to make it to state as a team. So in order to do that, we had to, you know, be able to all run our best at regionals to go to sectionals and go from sectionals to state. So our goal right now is to be able to continue to improve our times, get faster and hopefully qualify for that statement in November.
Paw Print Writer: Okay, one last question: What’s one thing Wildcat fans can look forward to coming up this season?
Snyder: I mean, I’d say probably for us, we got a lot of young talent that are continuing to improve here really fast. And I think for the coming years, our team is going to become very, very fast, much faster than we are now. And we’re going to do great things and hopefully, continue to win more championships, set records and show the town what our team is made of.

Paw Print Writer: So first, can you say your name and how many years you’ve been doing cross country?
Bach: I’m Julie Bach and I’ve been doing cross country for, I’d say, sixth grade so this would be my fifth year.
Paw Print Writer: What would you say is the team’s biggest accomplishment so far this season?
Bach: Our team just did a really good job working together and encouraging each other mostly.
Paw Print Writer: What would you say your goals are for the rest of the season?
Bach: So my goals are mostly just to compete and try to get my teams back up to like how they were last year.
Paw Print Writer: What’s one thing Wildcat fans can look forward to for the season coming up?
Bach: Why don’t I just say the cross country team brings a lot of hype to the meets. So we just I guess we make fun of it.
Both Boys and Girls Cross Country head to Peoria on October 14 for the the Big 12 Meet.