Juniors took the win in the last couple minutes of the 2023 Powderpuff game
The annual Homecoming Powderpuff football game took place at 6:30pm, on October 4, 2023 at Wildcat Stadium.
Juniors and Seniors worked to bring home the Powderpuff trophy, planning things like jerseys to wear and practices to prepare for the big game.
The game began with Junior Audry Carson scoring the first touchdown on the first play of the game.
By the end of the first half, the seniors redeemed themselves, though, with a score 20-16.
However, the game ended with a Junior victory when Peyton Cornejo scored a touchdown thrown by Shelby Sennett.
Homecoming Royalty announced at the Homecoming Assembly
The 2023 Homecoming Dance occurred in the Normal West gym last Saturday, October 7th. With a wonderful turnout filling the entire gym with students, students danced the night away.
A big part of the Homecoming dance and festivities is the annual Homecoming Court. The homecoming court consisted of 10 seniors(Brett Bursak, Dru Brady, Sam Beirne, Ashley Corcoran, Trey Frost, Olivia Patton, Blake Crancer, Sydney Hernandez, Brayden Whitehead, and Jossie Rood).
The winners were chosen and announced at the assembly on Friday October, 6. This year’s winners were Sam Beirne and Trey Frost.
Seniors take the victory in the Homecoming volleyball game
Five teams competed in the annual Boys Volleyball Tournament this year, and one rose above them all.
The seniors went 4-0, defeating the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Teacher teams. The Junior and Teacher teams definitely fought the hardest against the seniors, both taking the matches to three sets.
The senior team consisted of Sam Descarpentrie, BrettBursack, Braden Welter, Bradyn Whitehead, Sam Beirne, Taylor Hafermann, Roman Stephens, Zach Rumps, Jack Wenzel, Axel Nord, Blake Crancer, and Jack Ewing.
They specialized in their offensive play, especially in their serves.
The teacher team consisted of Mr. Ed Hafermann, Mrs. Tera Hafermann, Ms. Emma Barth, Mr. Lundy, Ms. Carrie Webster, Mr. Dustin Underwoord, Ms. Lauren Goveia, Mrs. Kelsey Mueller and Ms. Anna Harkins.
Mrs. Hafermann came into the game very confident in her husband, Mr. Hafermann’s abilities. However, after the game, she changed her tune. “He used to have it but lost it as he got older,” she admitted. She was also confused about where her son, Senior Taylor Hafermann’s skills came from.
In addition to the volleyball game’s fun rivalry, the different classes also competed with their separate student sections. The seniors came in with a demanding lead on this aspect of the competition, as well.
FMP door decoration winners receive pizza party in celebration
The winners of the FMP Door Decoration Contest are Mrs. Peterson’s FMP in room 1003, Mrs. Hamler’s FMP in room 112, Ms. Haze’s FMP in room 177, and Mrs. Renchen’s FMP in room 222.
Renchen’s door was in the Rio-themed hall, decorated with a city scene with and ocean in the foreground and an iconic Christ the Redeemer statue in the background.
The FMPs that won the door decorations won pizza for their homeroom.