How do you feel about PDA in school?
It very common for students in relationships to attend the same school, it is also common to see within that school the students to engage in PDA. PDA meaning person display of affection it can definitely be overdone. Some feel PDA should not be allowed and some don’t mind, some fellows share their thoughts.
“I think that there needs to be a politeness to it. Kissing and hugging is fine but not when you are playing tonsil hockey . If it makes people uncomfortable you shouldn’t be doing it at school. If it makes people feel uncomfortable you should save it for outside of school. I’m all for young love, like I met my wife in high school but there is a time and a place. My rule is if you wouldn’t do it in front of your parents you shouldn’t do it here.” – Assistant principal Mr. Hill
“PDA is not a bad thing but I feel like people should do that outside of school. A lot of people like to spread rumors about relationships and PDA almost gives them a reason to do so.” – junior Rodney Pillow
“PDA shouldn’t be allowed. There is no need for it, students can control themselves for eight hours of the day.” – Mr. Glatt
“I feel that people should respect other students and there is a time and place for that and school isn’t it” – Jade Fussell
“I don’t really have a problem with it because it doesn’t really have anything to do with me. That’s his girl and her boyfriend. I’m not in it, and if they want to do that stuff in school, whatever.” – Devon Whitsey