Bass fishing is a sporting event where ‘anglers’ come and compete to see who can catch the heaviest fish.
The weight of the five biggest fish a team catches gets, added together in total.
Bass fish must be kept alive in a live well.
Every fish must meet the minimum length requirements set up by the tournament organization or state competition.
“For me probably it’s because we’ve had a lot of students that have never fished before ever and for them to catch like the first bass and see the excitement that’s rewarding,” Tim Sennett, the head coach said.
Anyone who is interested in joining the Bass Fishing team is very welcome to come and be a part of the team.
Previous experience is not required.
“We have a lot of students that have never fished before, and I’m sure have never fished a different way before. They’ve always fished with worms or barbers or stuff like that,” Sennett said.
“All you need to do is just come with an open mind and a fishing rod.”
Sennett is excited to get the season started and for the time of year that the season brings.
“The best part is like the first time it’s not always easy, especially in spring,” he added.
Sennett welcomes any and all levels of experience.
“Those kids go from not knowing much to actually having a lot of fun. Just to see what it’s all about. It’s different than what it sounds like so when the kid sees what the tournaments are all about and how to compete and that kind of thing so that’s probably the most rewarding,” he noted.
If you are interested and want more information about bass fishing you can email/ text Mr.Sennett on TeamReach. Also, his email is[email protected], and the Classroom Group Code is Bassfishing25