Election attracts high school seniors


Jack Burton, Staff Reporter

The 2020 election is not only one of the most intriguing events of 2020,  but it has also gained the attention of high school students, specifically seniors who are eligible to vote.  

This election has come down to two candidates, President Donald Trump and ex-vice president Joe Biden.  Many topics have been discussed throughout the general public and two presidential debates hosted by Fox News and NBC.  For example, the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy, fracking, abortion, and even the expense of going to college.

Some students at Normal West are 18 and plan on voting in this year’s election.  One of those students is Aryelle Thoennes, a senior at West who said, “I believe that the opening of schools while continuing to safely do it is one of the things I’m looking for when it comes to which candidate will offer the best plan.”  She continued, “Something else that’s important to me is who offers the best plan when it comes to opening up the country and what kind of timeline they both may present.”  She went on to say that given all the issues that she feels are important, she will be voting for President Trump because of his plans to open up the country and begin to get back to what life used to be.  

Jonah Prokes, a senior at NCHS, was in attendance and said this about the election: “I believe that this is one of the most important political races of our time and the decision as to who to vote for should not be taken lightly.”  He continued, “For me, I believe that we need someone that is going take the human condition seriously and who truly cares about the American people.” 

One of Joe Biden’s plans is to limit a full opening of the country for the safety of Americans due to Covid-19.  He also plans on keeping the “Obama Care” system and even adding to it to make it more accessible to anybody that may need it.

As of now, Prokes has not officially made up his mind as to who he will vote for, but he did say that after looking over Biden’s plans he is leaning towards voting for the ex-vice president.

For more information about this election or the candidates, you can visit their websites for information about who each one is and what they stand for.  President Trump’s website is https://www.donaldjtrump.com/.  Ex-vice president Biden’s website is https://joebiden.com/#