Wildcats share their favorite spring break destinations

Carlie Krzeminski

Mrs. Gramley shares her favorite spring break destination

Carlie Krzeminski and Hannah Sieg, Staff Reporters

Normal West’s spring break is coming up and people may be traveling to a nice sunny beach, or staying here in beautiful central Illinois. Students and staff share what their favorite spring break destinations are.

Lots of students, such as Dara Kane (11), Robbie Henson (11), Carley Baughman (11), Kaylor Helm (11), and Elise McCree (12) said they liked Arizona, Mexico, Florida, or California because it’s warmer there.

Senior Tamryn Gromley said, “California is the best because it’s warm and it’s not Illinois.”

Mrs. Gramley, an Administrative Assistant in the guidance office, said, “Florida because I like to walk on the beach.”

Dani Freeman (12) likes to visit Florida, “because my uncle lives there and it’s nice to see him.”

Social studies teacher, Mr. Bierbaum said, “California, because it’s relaxing.”

Kendahl Whitwood (12) said, “I like to visit Ft. Myers because it’s going to be my home someday.”

Although most of our Wildcats like to dream of being on a warm, tropical beach, some others have different ideas of where to spend their spring break.

Business teacher Mr. Piepenbrink said, “A few years ago I went to Winter Park Colorado to go skiing with some of my friends. I enjoyed that.”

Senior Genesis Forrest said, “I like to hang out at the crib with the bros.”

Mrs. Nikolanci shared, “I like Disney because I like to hang out there.”

And lastly, senior Matt Lage said, “I like visiting Chick-Fil-A on North Veterans because they have a mean chicken sandwich.”

Hopefully all our Wildcats get to visit their favorite spring break destination this next week.