Wildcats’ Halloween Traditions
Sophomore, Morgan Taylor works Batter Up Haunted Cages days before Halloween. Pictured with two co-workers from other schools.
October 25, 2017
Holiday traditions are a huge part of family and personal life. Normal West students and teachers share their personal Halloween traditions.
Science teacher Ms.Griffin shared, “I always take my niece trick or treating around the neighborhood, it’s nice to see her so excited to go up to the houses.”
“I never did Halloween when I was younger, my parents were too religious to deem it appropriate. Because of that, my kids never did either. Instead we all go to our church which holds a night full of activities and games, without the risk of any danger for my kids” substitute teacher Ms. Purnell explained.
Sophomore, Laela Thompson said, “My family and I always go to Tanner’s Apple Orchard, they have the best food and it really gets me excited for the rest of the season.”
“My little brother and I get all dressed up and go to my grandma’s neighborhood. I help my brother get a lot of candy and then our parents take us to my great grandma’s house. She loves seeing our costumes and all our candy. After that we usually go home and eat as much candy as we can.” Keaton Knuth (10) exclaims
Hallie Biancalana (10) shares her favorite tradition: “Honestly, my family and I keep the lights off, we don’t usually buy candy. Instead, we like staying in and watching movies with our friends over.”