Students’ favorite things about prom
April 21, 2016
Prom is a week away. Junior and seniors are anxiously waiting to have a great night filled with dancing, pictures, and gorgeous looking people. Many are mostly excited about post prom. Who wouldn’t be excited about bouncy houses, free extensive amounts of food, and hypnotists?
“I’ve never really been a sucker for school dances but my experience last year at prom has made me love it. My favorite thing about prom is definitely after prom because they have so many things to do such as laser tag, dodge ball, and of course the amazing foods and desserts!” -Senior Ryan Curtin

“Last year I had a bad experience with prom so I am mostly going because I feel like I have to this year, but i’d say my favorite thing about prom would be going to dinner before. The food is definitely the best part!” -Senior Jack Herrman.
“Prom is very exciting to me, I’ve been looking forward to this night all year and it’s almost here! I’d say my favorite thing about prom would be being able to dance my life away with my friends and classmates. It’s a night to let loose, look pretty, and just have fun!” -Senior Abrie Klink

Seniors Abrie Kilink, Kristi Wettstone, and Whitney Irmeger.
“My absolute favorite thing about prom is seeing everyone get dressed up because i’m so use to seeing all of my classmates in school clothes! So it’s pretty cool how much people can change their appearance and turn into a princess/prince for a night! Also, you definitely can’t forget about after prom, I’m so excited for the hypnotist again!” -Junior Leah Sebade
“I love just getting dressed up for the night and taking pictures to capture the memories, also post prom is beyond fun!” -Senior Meagan Christiansen
Now that we got an insight on what everyone is most excited about when it comes to prom, hopefully everyone has the time of their lives!