Normal West FFA begins 2021-2022 school year

(from left to right) 2020-2021 Illinois FFA state president Lexi Muller, and officers Preston Rhode, Paige Lemenager, Chloe Boitnott, and Lauren Mohr win the state competition in livestock judging 2020-2021.

Brian Fuss, Staff Reporter

As the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be winding down, the Normal West FFA is hopeful to return to a more normal school year. 

This program is about helping to educate members on the importance of agriculture and how it is incorporated into our community.

 It offers many opportunities for members to get more involved in agriculture through all different types of activities and competitions, from things like tasting cheese, to meat and livestock judging. In addition, this program opens doors to possible scholarships and future jobs.

FFA is also a great place to just have fun and meet new people from different FFA chapters in the Midwest. 

“A big part of FFA is meeting new people and having fun learning about agriculture in our modern society. Unfortunately, a lot of that was made very difficult in the years past due to Covid. A lot of our experiences were limited to behind the screen of our laptops through google meets,” said senior member Tyler Monical.

Though Normal West FFA faced adversity through the pandemic, it didn’t keep them from accomplishing big things.

“The pandemic really limited the opportunities and experiences that the members of our program could have had. That being said, we are very hopeful for the near future and returning to a more normal school year,” said senior FFA officer Paige Lemenager.

 Last year, the Normal West FFA chapter took first place in the state livestock judging competition, both as a team and with an individual state champion.

“I would have to say that it’s one of, if not the greatest achievement that we’ve had since I joined. It was an honor to win as a part of the team, and as an individual,” said senior Normal West FFA officer Preston Rhode.

“I joined FFA because I knew that I had a bright future in agriculture. I really enjoy meeting new people and I knew that FFA would do that for me,” said senior officer Preston Rhode.

FFA is always happy to accept new members, regardless of any background in agriculture or not. Students must be enrolled in an ag class to  join.

Meetings are held mainly in the Ag room  next to the north gym. The program is open and excited to accept any students with an interest in agriculture. Photo by staff reporter Brian Fuss.