Halloween activities in Bloomington-Normal

Carved Pumpkins, A common tradition for Halloween (Photo by Phile Squires)
October 29, 2020

In 2020 we’re celebrating Halloween a bit differently this year. With a global pandemic due to the coronavirus, it’s difficult to celebrate in the traditionally with rules of social distancing, but there are still ways to enjoy the fall holiday.
According to the Town Of Normal’s website, both Bloomington and Normal have set the hours for traditional trick-or-treating (5pm-8pm Saturday October 31st). An article from the Pantagraph also states that both towns, along with the Bloomington-Normal police strongly discourage going door-to-door.
For those who choose to celebrate in traditional ways, the Town of Normal encourages proper social distancing, frequent handwashing and the use of a face covering. The article also encourages not handing out homemade treats and leaving bowls on the porch, or in walkways rather than handing out and to not participate if feeling unwell.
The Town of Normal has also created “No trick-or-treat” flyers to allow other trick-or-treaters to know they’re not participating this year. These can also be found on the town of Normal website.
For those who wish to still celebrate in alternative manners, Normal has set up, safe, social-distanced events.
These events include a Halloween Hoopla offered by the Children’s Discovery Museum, and Candy Corn Lane. These events follow the safety protocols and social distance guidelines. More information can be found on the Town of Normal website.
Other events taking place include “Howl at the Market, Halloween Famer’s Market”, allowing children 12 and under to participate by dressing up and having the opportunity to purchase special marked products with their “boo buck”.
A “Halloween Spooktacular Open Skate” at the Pepsi Ice Center. Everyone is encourage to dress up, and enjoy treats, music and more.
“Trick or Treat at the Mansion” will be taking place at the David Davis Mansion. This is socially distance and children are encouraged to dress, show off their costumes and get some treats.
More information on all these events can be found at visitbn.org.
No matter how you chose to celebrate this year remember to stay safe, be responsible and wear a mask.