Dude. Be Nice project reaches out to Wildcats
Dude. Be Nice created original shirts for the state of Illinois. These shirts are sold through Normal West FCCLA.
November 11, 2016
People are nice to one another every day and think nothing of it. Actions by those who continually go the extra mile to be nice often get overlooked. Dude. Be Nice wants to recognize the people who go the extra mile everyday to be nice.
The Dude. Be Nice project was set into place by CEO Brent Camalich when he noticed that people weren’t giving thanks to nice people in their communities. This brand’s goal is to inspire people to treat others better, whether it’s recognizing someone nice or being nice themselves.
Dude Be Nice is an apparel company pairing with schools and groups across the nation. “Kindness is always in style,” said CEO Brent Camalich on the Dude. Be Nice website. Slogans such as Dude. Be Nice, Nice is Cool and So Nice are on tees, tanks, long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts. It’s clothing that not only inspires fashion trends but also inspire people’s life styles.
Brent Camalich said, “As we grow with your support, we’re committed to creating cool clothes and doing our part to show people, no matter who they are or where they come from, that they matter. Kindness, inclusiveness and gratitude will always be at the core of our culture.”
Illinois state FCCLA has teamed up with the Dude. Be Nice project. Normal West FCCLA is bringing the kindness to school by selling shirts, having a Dude. Be Nice week and spreading nice acts throughout the school.
FCCLA president Dancia Haney said, “I’m super excited about this project. It’s for such a good cause and the shirts are super cute. It’s totally worth it.”
FCCLA at Normal West, looking to spread even more of the nice actions, reached out to other clubs and groups to help support the cause. Pride, Not In Our School, and Random Acts of Kindness have aligned themselves with FCCLA in support of Dude. Be Nice.
“I like Dude. Be Nice, It’s something everyone can support. The shirts are a nice way to show our support while being cool still,” said Melody Holland (10) when asked why she supports Dude. Be Nice at her school.
Dude. be Nice is a growing project, spreading rapidly throughout Illinois. With the help of FCCLA and others, the project’s goal to spread nice actions throughout the school and community is in reach.