Celebrate My Drive winnings put to good use

Pictured is the Celebrate My Drive logo.
August 25, 2016
This year at Normal West, some of the $100,000 prize winnings from State Farm’s “Celebrate My Drive” contest have been spent on programs and items around the school.
At the beginning of second semester last year, each West student was prompted to go to the Celebrate My Drive website and vote for our school to be eligible to win a $100,000 prize.
West got into the top three schools with all of our votes, making us one of the winners of the cash prize.
Many students were eager to see where the money from this victory would be placed.
In an interview with a more recent addition to our administrative staff, Mrs. Codron, a hefty list was given as to where the money has been spent, and a few places where the administration has an idea as to what the rest of the proceeds will go towards.
Much of what Mrs. Codron explained had to do with electronics and vamping up certain classes, “Much of the money has been spent on digital updates in the IMC and auditorium, as well as new equipment for the tech department. We also hired another staff member to the CLS room for added help and support for the students.”
Codron expressed great excitement as she also shared a few things about West memorabilia, “Something I thought that was pretty cool is the fact that we put some of that money towards archives and storage, we are trying to keep some memorabilia and artifacts from the last 22 years at West in good condition. Actually, we’ve been able to dig up some of the old basketball jerseys, and at the last 20 year reunion, we held a reunion basketball game and I just think it’s neat for reunions to be able to have some of the things from when they were high school.”
There are many other things Mrs. Codron pointed out that the money would go towards, such as ceiling tiles, PE equipment, and a new budget for drivers education which has yet to be determined.
Due to the participation of the students and administrative staff at West, the earnings from Celebrate My Drive can be used to provide a better educational and fun environment.