Palin endorses Trump
Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump welcomes the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin to the stage of a Trump rally in Ames, IA Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
From a barn in the middle of Ames, Iowa Tuesday, January 19, 2016, the former governor of Alaska and senator John McCain’s 2008 Republican running mate, Sarah Palin, endorsed Donald Trump for president.
“Thank you so much. It’s so great to be here in Iowa. We’re here just thawing out. Todd and I and a couple of our friends here from Alaska, lending our support for the next president of our great United States of America, Donald J. Trump,” Palin stated in her opening remarks.
Addressing a rowdy crowd of Trump supporters, Palin filled her speech with traditional “Palinisms”, such as; “pussy-footing”, “let Allah sort it out”, “hopey, changey stuff”, “Joe Six Pack”, “Rock ‘n’ rollers and holy rollers”, “Right-wingin’, bitter-clingin’, proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions and our Constitution”.
Among the tangled compilations of words, Palin’s speech gives Trump an advantage going into the Iowa Caucus on Monday, February 1 and may dramatically impact the duration of the race to the White House.
The New York Times reported that: “Her support is the highest-profile backing for a Republican so far. It came the same day that Iowa’s Republican governor, Terry Branstad, said he hoped that Senator Ted Cruz would be defeated in Iowa. The Feb. 1 caucuses are a must-win for the Texas senator, who is running neck-and-neck with Mr. Trump in state polls.”
Regardless of preliminary polls, Palin’s endorsement has significance in the eyes of Republican voters. “Palin’s brand among evangelicals is as gold as the faucets in Trump Tower,” said Ralph Reed, the chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition in an interview to the Washington Post.
Many people argue that Palin is nothing more than a former politician with a few failed cable television shows. However, Palin has many spent many years in Iowa, cultivating an extensive network of supporters, in addition to her political influence throughout the nation.
Even Ted Cruz, Trump’s fellow Republican presidential hopeful, was elected with the help of Sarah Palin. Her endorsement guaranteed Cruz a seat in the Texas Senate, according to CNN. In fact, CNN also reported that ⅔ of candidates endorsed by Palin are elected.
For Trump supporters, Palin’s endorsement is a gift from God; for the rest of the nation, Trump’s steady lead in the Republican race is unsettling, to say the least.