Miller Park Zoo houses new Sumatran tiger

Heran the Sumatran tiger, exploring his new habitat.
“It’s a great day to be a wildcat! Rawr rawr rawr!” And at Miller Park Zoo, it really is. On April 18th, Miller Park Zoo took in a new wildcat.
On loan from the Los Angeles Zoo is a beautiful tiger named Heran. Heran is a ten year old Sumatran tiger. This species of tiger is considered critically endangered, and of all tiger breeds, Sumatran tigers are the lowest in population.
Heran is being housed solitarily, in the same tiger exhibit that once housed Rojo, and Besar before him, both Sumatran tigers. Tigers are solitary animals that only group together when mating, or a mother raising her cubs.
According to Miller Park Zoo Superintendent Jay Tetzloff, there are no plans to breed Heran, nor will they being trying to acquire another, due to the solitary nature of tigers.
The zoo has always been a popular place for field trips and families, and is still a favorite of many of our older Wildcats.
“I love the zoo, I always go in the summer time,” said senior Alicia Roughton. Senior Lizzie Wilson agreed, and went on to say, “I can’t wait to go see the tiger, but I’m going to wait for a nice warm day. I’m glad there’s finally a new animal; that’s so cool.”