Seniors and teachers ready to conquer one more month

Hannah Sieg

As one of the senior activities, seniors paint bricks in the senior hallway at West Fest. This is one of the ways seniors leave their mark at Normal West.

Hannah Sieg, Staff Reporter

With the school year coming to a close and graduation only a month away, the senior class is ready to leave Normal West behind. The teachers are also ready to end another school year and to enjoy their summer break.

It’s hard for seniors to find their motivation to push through these last few weeks. This lack of motivation is often referred to as “senioritis”, and almost all seniors feel this way.

Hannah Sieg
Senioritis has hit these seniors, (left to right) Tyler Ott, Zach Holder, Thomas Lipka, and Audrey Colan, as they play spin the bottle in study hall.

“I have felt senioritis, but my motivation is summer vacation. I’m going to Gulf Shores, Alabama this summer and I’m excited,” senior Tyler Ott said.

Teachers are aware seniors have senioritis at this point in the semester, so most teachers try to plan less work for their senior students.

Science teacher Mr. Fincham said, “My students have a couple of tests left and we have end of the year projects. They also have to prepare for finals, but seniors usually don’t have to take them, so they’ll be done after their projects.”

“A few of my teachers are cramming in work this last month. I think it’s just because of assemblies and other events we’ve had this year that have caused them to fall behind,” senior Kayla Johnson stated.

With only thirteen school days left for seniors, they’re starting to look forward to the senior activities. This includes senior signing day, painting bricks at West Fest, the senior picnic, and the senior luncheon.

“I’m excited for the luncheon because it’ll be fun seeing pictures of everyone throughout elementary school, junior high, and high school,” Ott shared.

“I’m looking forward to the senior activities because seniors get to do it every year and it’s our turn now. Everyone dresses up for the senior luncheon too which is nice,” Johnson said.

Although most seniors are ready to move onto college, they’re also sad about leaving their high school friends.

Ott stated, “I’m excited to move onto college and meet new people, but I will miss my friends from here.”

Johnson said, “It’s bittersweet leaving high school. I’m going to miss seeing my friends everyday, especially the ones I might not talk to after we graduate. But I’m still excited to go to college.”Teachers are also sad about seniors leaving. “I’ve taught some of these students for two or three years and we’ve built a relationship, so it’ll be hard to say goodbye,” Mr. Fincham shared. “But I am ready to be done with the school year so I can spend more time with my family.”

As we approach the end of this school year, seniors and teachers will have to push through one more month and a bittersweet goodbye.