Student Council keeps the Wildcat spirit alive
Junior King of Hearts contestant and Prince, Carlos Torres enlists the help of his fellow West Coed cheerleaders: (left to right) senior Mace Julian, junior JJ Billington, junior Carlos Torres, senior Robert Paul and senior Beau McBurney.
September 23, 2016
Student Council is a group of students that do a variety of different events such as community outreach, keep up the spirit and pride at the school and fundraising for various organizations.
To become Student Council members, students need to apply and submit an application. Students can apply for the general council or they can apply to be on the board of student council which allows them to make decisions and be in a position of leadership on StuCo.
Once students apply they are then put through a rating process and are rated 1 – 10 by former members on the Student Council board. After the former board members review and score an application, an applicant’s score is ranked and a cut line is established. If a score is above the line, that student will have the opportunity to be on Student Council.
“ We like to make a few exceptions for some students who do not meet the cut off score. If we think StuCo will better the student then we will meet with them and let them know our expectations. We do this so we have a more diverse club, “ said Mrs. Hoffman, Student Council Co-Sponsor.
Student Council plays a big role in homecoming, prom and other school activities. Decorating each hallway during homecoming and prom with the theme for that year, putting together the school assemblies, and selling tickets in the atrium for various activities are some of StuCo’s responsibilities.
Drew Morgan (12), member of Stu Co stated, “We do the things we do to make the school go round and we do not get as much credit as we should. “ Stu Co has a lot of interaction with the students and they help them become familiar with the school by informing the student body about what is up and coming throughout the school such as homecoming events and school club meetings.
They play a big role in the assemblies that are put on for the school before big upcoming school activities. “ The assemblies are always well organized, fun to watch and worth the time.” Savana Mattson ( 11 ) said.
Student council hopes to keep the pride and spirit alive at Normal West.