Students gear up and enjoy prom

Micaela Harris’ mother

A picture taken before leaving for dinner of all of the ladies in the prom groups shoes and bottoms of their dresses, photo credit: Micaela Harris’s mother.

West students enjoyed the events of prom and post-prom while looking as snazzy as can be in their best attire for the dance and comfiest clothes for events of after prom.

Dress shopping, accessory shopping, and tux fittings are the first and possibly most vital pieces that began the prom puzzle.
“It took me forever to find the perfect dress, but when I did I was stoked because I finally realized how awesome I can look!” exclaimed Tiffany Anderson.  Bloomington-Normal offers several places in town for girls and guys to find their desired prom attire no matter what style is being pursued.

After the look is chosen, the next step is to find the right restaurant, one with class, but still affordable for students. Some of the popular restaurants are Baxter’s, Cafe Italia, and Medici’s. “We went to Monical’s just because it was quick and easy, plus everyone liked it so win-win,” explained Sam Leamer.
After the reservations has been made and all of the major details of figuring out where pictures will be taken and who is to be in a group, the next couple things are all about the girl.

The styles trending this year at prom wear princess dresses, a bit of puff at the bottom and fitted at the top, and mermaid styled or tighter fitted dresses.
White, red, black, and blue seemed to be pretty universal colors among the prom attendees. Ladies not only have to figure out which dress to wear but also what shoes, bracelet, necklace, hair piece to wear, and how to do her hair and makeup just the right way.

Make up should always be centered around the color of a dress, matching or complementing colors. What many girls seemed to do this year at prom was have an up-do if a dress had straps or a higher neckline. If the dress was strapless or had a low back line then curly hair down seemed to be the way to go according to the juniors and seniors of West at the dance.  Among the guys, a trend was not a tie, but a bow tie.

During the prom, from 7pm to 10:30 pm, good music was played and many people migrated to the dance floor to have a good time with their dates and friends.
“ I loved when everyone started doing the nae-nae and whip, that’s definitely my dance. For the most part they played pretty good songs, they were easy to dance to at least,” said junior Abrie Klink.

Post- prom offered many exciting events such as: laser tag, human foosball, dodgeball game, cash cab, raffles, a video game room, and a pitching game.
“I didn’t go to the dance, but my friend, Sara, invited me to the post-prom and I had so much fun. Laser tag was a blast even though the line took forever,” said sophomore Brianna Hamel.

At around 2 o’clock in the morning all festivities were shut down and all guests were to proceed to the auditorium to watch a hypnosis show. Volunteers out of the crowd went up to stage and began the steps into hypnosis, where they did crazily hilarious things. The volunteers were made to fall into deep slumber, act as though they were racing, say funny things, and laugh out of their control.

All students in the audience enjoyed the show and the students on stage were clueless as to what they had been doing for an hour and a half.
Overall, this year’s attendees enjoyed dancing with their friends for hours and then having loads of fun playing games all night long at after prom.