Spring Break: Take Time for Yourself

Spring break 2014 is just around the corner, and students will be traveling all over the country to spend quality time with friends and family in the short break that we have at the end of March.
Everyone looks forward to spring break. Whether you are going to a tropical island or driving to grandma’s house, spring break is a time to sit back, relax, and take time for the things that you love to do. “I’m excited to just hang at home a catch up on some reading, and of course Netflix!” Haylee Sieg (10) said as she thought about what she is going to be doing this spring break.
Like Haylee, many students take advantage of this week to take time to themselves, and their future. Sarah Filosa (11) is spending her break in various states, looking for the perfect college. “I’m going to be looking at six colleges, at the least!” A lot of students take this time as a free pass to absorb the college scene. Like Sarah, spring break is a major time of exploring the options out there for the perfect college experience.
Conversely, taking time for you isn’t always a reality for some students here at West. “Throughout break, I’m going to be working at my farm, helping my dad with anything that he needs,” said Sara Fuller (11) when asked what her spring break plans were. “I love helping, and any chance I get, I’m going to take it and make the most out of it.” Sara’s family owns a farm near Bloomington. She said that she loves working, even if she gets a chance to have a break from school.
The Students from West are not exactly living up to the tropical island spring break stereotype, but they are all doing things that they love. Have a great spring break, while taking a break from school, and doing things for you.
Unit 5 spring break will start March 24- March 30th.