Senior Ryan Griffin works on his laptop while wearing a mask--a requirement for all students attending in-person school.
For NCWHS students and teachers alike, coming back to in-person school is causing mixed emotions.
On October 19, Unit 5 students began returning to in-person school, albeit on a modified schedule. Students with last names starting with A-K attend on Monday and Thursday, and students L-Z attend Tuesday and Friday. For high school, freshmen began attending for the first week by themselves–sophomores, juniors, and seniors all started the following Monday.
“I felt that it was a good way for the freshmen to adapt to their new school,” said Mrs. Copple, a West aquatics teacher. “They were given the opportunity to experience the new ways of learning for this year. Overall, I think the first week went really well.”
While some teachers are more or less satisfied with the current conditions, others are wishing for the “normal” way of schooling to return.
“It’s kind of bittersweet for me. I love seeing them (the students) come back to school, but at the same time, I wish everybody could come back for five days a week,” said Mr. Fields, a math and business teacher. “It’s great that some kids are back, but I want everyone back full time.”
Similarly, students, for the most part, seem to have a mostly positive attitude towards returning.
“E-Learning has almost been a game for me,” said sophomore TJ Kelley. “I have been struggling in some of my classes. While I’m going to miss being at home, I’m glad we’re coming back so I can get my grades back up.”
Freshman Jacob Fritts agrees. “I’m glad we’re coming back. It’s easier to focus. Returning increases the risk of some people getting COVID, but I think overall it’s going to be a lot better.”
The overall threat of COVID-19 is still very real. Some students and teachers are expressing their concern of returning to in-person learning.
Mrs. Hancock, a teacher in the NCWHS Special Education department, shared her thoughts on the return to school. “I don’t like having to socially distance from my students. I really don’t like teaching from behind plexiglass,” Hancock said. She also noted her concern for if someone in her classes becomes ill. “If one kid in my class gets sick, it will create a domino effect and other kids and possibly myself will have to leave too.”
Despite these concerns, the overall attitude from NCWHS students and staff is optimistic. Most agree that coming back to in-person school is a good thing, and while there is a risk of people in schools catching COVID-19, for the most part, students and staff do not seem extremely concerned about it.
“I’m happy we’re back,” said senior Ethan Birdsell. “I’m going to miss sleeping in and playing video games all day, but I’m glad we’re back.”