The Pantagraph
The giving fence reminds everyone to take what they need for free in hopes of helping the community.
Most people can open up their closets and find a plethora of hats, gloves, and scarves, but for some families, that’s just not the case. Winter clothes are something many take for granted, but Tahnee and Matt Lathrop want to make sure everyone stays warm this winter season.
When driving on West Washington St. a is fence called the giving fence can be seen. On the fence has coats, jackets, scarves, gloves, hats, and socks, but most importantly “free sign”.
The Lathrops, owners of this fence, told the Pantagraph, “We were going through our stuff and we had too many hats and scarves and mittens. So, I think I jokingly said, ‘I’m just going to put them on the fence, which we own, and put up a ‘free’ sign”.
Now the town has joined forces and with the Lathrop’s and started putting up their own items to give away. The Lathrop’s and other Bloomington citizens have continued to donate items.
“I’ve never heard of the giving fence, but I think it’s interesting. I know we have a less fortunate population in our town, but I’ve never stopped to think about them in the winter months. Now that I have, I think I have some things that the fence could benefit from,” said Junior Emily Hartman
The National Coalition for the homeless estimates the 6.8% of the nation are living in or below poverty, many of those families including children.
Living in poverty is something that can happen to anyone, the loss of a job is one of the most common reasons for poverty according to The National Coalition.
“With all the worry that parents will lose jobs or that we won’t be able to get a job out of college, I think it’s important to realize that we could be in this situation at some point. I hope no one ever has too, but it’s a real possibility, we should give back while we can,” said Melody Holland (11).
West students can give back to the community this holiday season by participating in the giving fence. Students can go and use the provided clips to hang any articles of clothing that they can give. Students in need can also, anonymously, go to the fence and take anything they need.
Everyone deserves to be warm and the giving fence is trying to make that happen, even if it is just one coat or glove at a time.