Mrs. Lord is excited for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Thanksgiving is approaching on November 22nd, and the West teachers are already excited. For me, as a foreign exchange student from Germany, this will be my first Thanksgiving.
Traditionally on Thanksgiving day, families come together, give thanks for their blessings and that they have each other, and eat a lot. In Germany, Thanksgiving is not something what we celebrate, but I’ve always wanted to take part in this crazy day and learn more about it. I decided to ask some teachers from West for their opinions on the holiday.
“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! It is all about family and friends and not about presents. I like that everybody comes together and that we eat together”, said Mrs. Gramley from the Guidance Office.
“On Thanksgiving I’m going to Golden, Illinois and about 70 people come together and I really enjoy the delicious food. I like that on Thanksgiving you come together with people you typically do not see that often”, said Mrs. Lord.
As with all things, there are also people who do not like the whole “party” and are glad when it is over.
Mr. Goeke said, “I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and we all eat together. Usually they do not make food that I like, and I don’t find a lot of value in overeating; I’m glad when Thanksgiving is over because I don’t enjoy it”.
Although Mr. Goeke scared me a little bit, I am still looking forward to Thanksgiving. I like to be a part of events, and I feel really welcomed in my host family and I can’t wait to eat all the food with them.