As students make their way into the heart of 1st semester, the Culinary Arts students are jumping right into hands-on work.
Students had numerous choices with their elective classes and many decided to take Culinary Arts in 2021. This class generates a high level of interest as there are multiple class periods for it.
Although West students are surviving a global pandemic, they are finally able to experience their elective classes as “normally” as they can. Unfortunately, during the last school year, many of the students missed out on the hands-on work that Culinary Arts required due to the pandemic, but they’re getting back into it this year and the students are excited. They’ve already done some cooking such as ice cream and Chex-Mix.
We asked some students a few questions about their first few weeks in Culinary Arts to get their thoughts and what they’re looking forward to in the class. “I really wanted to get my cooking skills to the next level”, said Elijah Kampmann (11)
“I really wanted to take a hands-on class and learn more about cooking” said Eric Canchola (12)
Kampmann said, “I’m looking forward to making new types of food and learning about how to use different tools.”
“I’m looking forward to learning the basics of cooking and extending my knowledge on types of dishes.” Canchola added
The teacher, Ms. Verdery, said, “I enjoy teaching this class because I think it’s important that highschool students know how to cook and I want to share all my knowledge on it.”
“I look forward to teaching the students how to cook pan fried chicken, salsa, soup, pie, bread, and many other things this school year!” she added.
The Culinary Arts Class will continue to learn how to cook and the basics of food as they continue on their culinary journey here at West.