The PARCC test is an assessment that all sophomores and some juniors in geometry and English II will be taking on March 10th, 12th, and 13th.
PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. The test could potentially replace statewide standardized tests, such as the ISAT or the PSAE.
All students in the following states will be taking this test: Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, and Rhode Island according to parcconline.org.
“The PARCC test is apparently really hard and pretty much sets you up to fail,” said Hailey Hampton (10). “I don’t think we should be taking it unless it’s going to actually help us with our futures and college careers.”
Most students have no idea what the test is or why they are taking it, all they know is that they are required to take the test on the days listed.
“I have no idea what the PARCC test is,” said Logan Berg (10). “I didn’t even know I was taking it until about two days ago and still don’t know exactly when I will be taking it.”
There isn’t enough information being shared with students. They are being told they have to take this standardized test without being given the information that could be useful to them.
“In my opinion test like these give false representation of how students perform in the classroom,” said Griffin Dabbs (10).
The test is said to work as a tool to enhance teaching and learning. According to the PARCC online resources, the PARCC test is said to measure whether students are on track to be successful in college and their careers.
“I think regardless of what the test is it’s probably just another pointless test that we are forced to take that doesn’t put serve any real purpose,” said Kate Stephens (10). “Those tests are all about finding statistics, they don’t actually do anything or prove anything.”
The PARCC test is said to show educators and parents how their students are doing in school through using, according to PARCC online resources, high tech online assessments to prove whether or not their students are on track with their learning and success after high school.