Normal West sophomore Ben Nguy started a Twister Club that meets Tuesdays after school in the senior cafeteria. The club was started after Nguy and friends would play Twister in the atrium before school.
At Twister Club, students meet in the senior cafeteria and play Twister together. Twister Club is sponsored by Mrs. Codron.
Mrs. Codron stated that her initial reaction to the club was, “Skeptical. I said, ‘do people really want to play this?’ but then I showed up and there were probably 25-30 kids there.”
When she described the club she said, “They had five different games of Twister, they had laminated instructions, they were passing out suckers, kids had Bluetooth speakers that they were wearing to play music, and it smelled like feet.”
Mrs. Codron explained that Twister Club was “one of the most well attended things [clubs] since Best Buddies.”
Nguy said that he started Twister Club because of his genius hour project. Genius hour is a year-long project for the Honors Algebra II class. Students choose anything they want to do a project on (for example, start a club, post on a blog, start a YouTube channel, etc.) and then they make a website to post continuous updates about their project throughout the school year.
Nguy came up with the idea when he was at a party with a friend. He explained, “we were just playing around with some games and she [his friend] found an old Twister mat and so we got into an hour long match. Then later that week, we started working on our genius hour project, and I was just thinking about that Twister game.”
Nguy said that his favorite part of Twister Club is “the people that come to play Twister, have a good time and chill.”
Jacklynn Uhlig is a member of Twister club. She said, “Ben was doing this for his genius hour…he just came up in the hallway and asked, ‘Hey if I started a Twister club would you join?’”
Uhlig joined because “it sounded really fun, and it is really fun!” She enjoys playing Twister, but Uhlig also enjoys that she gets to “meet new people and make friends.”
Twister Club has a social media page for students to see pictures of Twister Club and to receive information and updates about the club. The account can be located @ncwhs_twister_club on Instagram.
Twister Club meets every Monday from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Senior Cafeteria. It is one of the many non-academic clubs Normal West has to offer and is a a great new addition to Normal West. Twister club is open to everyone and always wants new members.