Mrs. Sharer-Barbee’s
Mrs. Sharer-Barbee last year on character day for homecoming spirit week
Mrs. Sharer-Barbee has been teaching dance fitness and health classes at Normal West for five years, and in those five years she had changed the school for the better.
In her short tenure, Mrs. Sharer-Barbee has made a significant impact on her students. From getting involved with school spirit to focusing on the students that have been struggling in her classes to help them learn in a way that best suits them.
“Mrs. Sharer-Barbee is an absolutely amazing, caring teacher who personally cares about her students and how they’re doing in their classes,” said Rachel Bahn, senior. “She has such a big heart and always seems to leave some sort of sparkle wherever she goes, especially with her colorful outfits and personality.”
Mrs. Sharer-Barbee shared her favorite thing about Normal West; “I feel like teachers and staff here put students first, so our actions are driven by what is best for the students.”
Through helping students with anything and everything, she still finds a way to incorporate what she’s passionate about into her work.
“What’s most important to me is health, and teaching students to plan for the future, and trying to make exercising and healthy living fun so people want to do it more,” Sharer-Barbee added.
Not only does Mrs. Sharer-Barbee get involved in school academically but she loves school spirit and might be one of the most school spirited people at Normal West.
During homecoming week, each day has a different spirit dress up day, and every year Mrs. Sharer-Barbee participates in every single one coming up with new ideas each year.
“Life is hard,” said Sharer-Barbee. “I think anything we can do to bring laughter, joy, and happiness into a difficult world will help everyone see things in a little bit more of a positive light.”
Mrs. Adams, a dance fitness teacher along side of Mrs. Sharer-Barbee, shared her thoughts, “She is the most uplifting and positive person in my life, she’s my best friend at work.”
The way she gets involved and see things has an impact on every single person she meets. Mrs. Sharer-Barbee has a special kind of sparkle to her that will never die out.