Ms. Woolums FMP homeroom pays no attention to her or their FMPs because they are too distracted by their phones. Photo credit: Briana Turcotte
As the restriction on cellphones has lessened over the years, students have become extremely distracted by their social media accounts and what their friends have to say.
Education is slowly becoming less and less important to students due to their obsession with their social media accounts such as Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. “There have been 205 referrals written for students violating the rules and using their cellphones in class,” said Mr. Caffey, associate principal from Normal West. “It’s our number one offense this year so far.”
On average, students check their cellphones every thirty seconds because they feel as though they have missed something. “If my phone buzzes I check it just because it’s distracting,” Greta Witter, a senior from Normal West. “Especially if it’s in a class I don’t like, I try to take my attention away from that class no matter what it is, even if it’s an email from Pinterest which I really don’t care about.”
Cellphones in class are a privilege, and are for students to stay safe in situations where they need to be on lock down and need to contact their parents. Students feel as though they have a right to check and use their cellular devices in class whenever they please.
Students have been given the great opportunity to grow up and learn how to use technology, but they are using all of this technology for social media instead of learning purposes.
“I think I check Snapchat and Twitter at least every minute,” said Jayden Beusking, a freshman from Normal West. “I don’t want to miss out on anything or have my friends say stuff that is important, I’ll take the cellphone violation referrals, what if I miss something important?”
Social media and technology being available for students could be a great thing if it wasn’t distracting and if it was used in the right ways.