3rd year Orchestra instructor, Ms. Kimberley Boehm conducts the Normal West Orchestra at their annual Hauncert.
Thrilling, fantastic, and exciting are three adjectives to describe this year’s Disney-themed “Hauntcert.”
The students of the orchestra spent countless hours practicing and working together to execute an amazing performance.
“Every Wednesday, we do sectionals without the teacher and with that we can find parts that we have issues with and slowly work through it,” senior violinist Robert Schwalm emphasized.
To go more in depth, senior violinist Aniyah Jones states, “We work together in sectionals to improve smaller things like intonation and bowings. When we come together as an orchestra we practice staying together by using a metronome and Watching Ms. Boehms conducting.”
The students of the Normal West Orchestra adjusted to their flaws and worked together to successfully execute a fun and spooky Disney-themed concert.
“I’m most proud of the orchestra for working hard to learn intimidating pieces like March of the Resistance,” explained Jones. “ Everyone tried their best and I think it turned out really well.”
“We did our best to play a piece that’s a little bit above our level,” Schwalm proudly highlighted.
Now that the Hauncert is over, the Normal West Orchestra continues to grow and practice together for their upcoming concert on November 6th.