Neil Simon’s play ‘Rumors’ has been chosen for this year’s play. The 2018 cast for the fall play includes Nathaniel Oakley (12), Bella Delsasso (12) , Keaton Knuth (11), Amara Sheppard (11), Joshua Terrance (12), Hannah Sparrow (11), Jack Courtad (11), Adeline Swartzendruber (10), Sean Pare (12), and Mckenzie Belle (9). The comedy, directed by English teacher Ryan Kerr, is set to run October 4rth through the 6th.
While describing how he cast the show, Kerr said, “I think that this really is an ensemble show, and so there’s not really a lead, it’s everybody working together. What I was looking for when I was casting the show, was can these people create a distinct character and help these characters come to life”.
When asked about the difficulty in producing this play, he replied “ I don’t think anything about the play will be easy, it’s a shorter production schedule than we’ve had in the past, and I think kids are expected to do more with this time than I’ve asked them to do in the past. It is very fast paced and there are many parts on stage at once, so compared to last year’s show where the characters had very little interaction with each other, this show is the direct opposite ”.
In addition Spencer Pontius, student director, commented, “Incorporating the props and tech is what worries me, since a lot of people signed up to work backstage. With that many people it can get confusing and messy”. According to them both, there isn’t really anything about this play that will be particularly easy.

Isabella Delsasso who plays the role of Chris Gorman, gets to experience this first hand. She says that the hardest part of putting on the play will be “memorizing my lines because I’ve never been in the play before and last time I had a bigger role it was in Joseph last year, which was all singing”.
She also doesn’t believe that embodying her character will be that difficult, because she is already fits the description: “My character is very high strung. She is described as sexy, attractive and high strung. Mr. Kerr says that I can supposedly play a high strung women. But I’m also funny, and very sarcastic, and very witty and kind of rude, sometimes, but not really”.
The show will run October 4th through the 6th