Photo by John Smith
The Wehrenberg Theaters are a popular place for West students to hang out.
New movies were released to theaters this summer. The top movie in the box office was Transformers: Age of Extinction which brought in a gross total of $243,392,711 since release on June 27 of this year.
Marvel released three new movies over the summer including: Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It seems as though superhero movies have become one of the most popular genre out there. These three movies ranked #3,#4,and #5 in the box office for the top selling summer movies with number 1 being Transformers and number 2 being Maleficent.
Nic Aranda, a senior at Normal West said, “Probably the best movie I saw this year was Guardians of the Galaxy. Lucy was the worst movie of the summer. It was terrible.”
Alex Minya, a senior at Normal West said, “I think that Guardians of the Galaxy was the best movie of the year so far. That movie was awesome! I also saw Lucy, which was terrible. I don’t think that it made sense.”
Guardians of the Galaxy seems to be the crowd favorite of the summer. Marvel has already announced that there will be a sequel to the number three movie of the summer. Lucy seems to be one of the worst movies of the summer according to some students at West. Lucy is about a girl who can control 100% of her brain, and then starts to use it for good and bad. We will see how the upcoming movies, such as the Dracula remake and the new Hunger Games, fare this fall.