For three weeks in a row Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been the top movie at the box office. The movie has so far reached a gross total of over $207 million; a success for only being out three weeks. So far in the list of the top grossing movies of all time, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is ranked 132, with number one being Avatar. It is ranked number one in the top grossing movies that opened in April.
The story takes place in present time, where Captain America has to adjust to the modern day espionage and tactics. As he is adjusting a new threat arises, deemed the “Winter Soldier”. This villain is the biggest threat that the Captain has faced yet. Owen Glieberman, a CNN critic said, “The film is too long, and its token -references to the other Avengers are just a forced attempt to join it to a ”larger” story. Yet “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” has the zing and purpose that last summer’s “Man of Steel” lacked, with a sky-high climax that’s a real dazzler…”
Owen also said, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” is the first superhero film since the terrorist-inflected “The Dark Knight” that plugs you right into what’s happening now. Told in enjoyably blunt, heavy-duty strokes, the movie doesn’t try for the artistry of “The Dark Knight” — it’s action-fantasy prose, not poetry. Yet there’s a hell-bent vitality to its paranoia.” Marvel seems to have pulled off a hit with this movie.
Chris Agar, a writer for “Screenrant”, said, “While Winter Soldier is guaranteed the top spot thanks to the enthusiastic Marvel fan base, the overwhelming amount of positive buzz will only help it earn more. Early reviews have been extremely favorable, with many calling it the best Marvel Studios movie yet.” While no students that I have talked to nor I have seen the movie; it still looks like a great movie that is worth seeing.